Hello, I'm Zach Tankersley

Writer, speaker, builder. Im a product manager with a DevOps lean who has a passion for removing friction in the user experience. I enjoy solving complex problems and sharing my experiences with people.

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Welcome McDonald's

In the same vein that Amazon product teams write a future press release for what they are building, this case study is set in the future- Sept. 2021 after a successful effort by McD...

Improv & Product Development

I started doing improv in Charleston SC in 2016. I noticed from the beginning it seemed to help me in my career, but I couldnt point why. After putting much thought into it I came to...

Influence without authority

I often describe the job of product management as simply the ability to influence without authority. No matter what problem you are solving, you are gathering evidence to determine w...

What is Pacified Apathy?

Well, I made it up. How do I know that? I Googled it and nothing came up, so I felt inspired to write this post. Pacified apathy is something I’ve observed but could never put my fin...